One Rifle. Many Missions.
The revolutionary, fully-modular Remington Adaptive Combat Rifle (ACR). The ACR was initially conceived to provide today’s warfighter an American-made, reliable, accurate, and mission –configurable rifle. Three American companies – MagPul Industries Corp., Bushmaster and Remington – shared this common vision and after multiple iterations of torturous testing only the strongest materials, components and concepts survived. The ACR can change calibers from 5.56mm to 6.8mm in minutes at the user level by changing the bolt head, barrel, and magazine. The ACR can also change barrels, stocks, and accessories to go from a close-quarters battle carbine to a designated marksman rifle. Add a superbly reliable gas piston operating system, controllable full-auto fire capability, a non-reciprocating bolt handle, a monolithic free-floating handguard rail system, and intuitive, ambidextrous controls and you have a platform that is a natural fit for any operator and gives him all the options he needs. Made in the USA for government sales by the oldest name in firearms and ammunition.
Caliber: 5.56 – 6.8 SPC II
Upper Receiver: Monolithic free-float rail system, Picatinny 1913 mounting surface
Barrel: 10.5” – 14.5” – 16.5” – 18”(TBD), Hammer forged, 6 groove, AAC Blackout flash hider, 1:7 (5.56) 1:11 (6.8)
Trigger: Standard AR/M-16 trigger, 4.5 – 6lbs, Match trigger available
Stocks: 6 Position right folding, polymer or optional metal version, Fixed position
Magazine: Accepts MagPul PMAG and MilSpec M-16
Lower Receiver: Fully ambidextrous controls, Polymer and metal available
Optics: Will accept any optic or night vision
Handguard: 5 Sided, Variable sized removable rail sections
Suppressor: AAC M4-2000 or ACRSD
Weight: 14.5 Weapon, Base rifle – 7lbs 14oz, Loaded w/ suppressor – 9lb 13oz
Length: 14.5 Weapon, W/o Suppressor, Stock folded – 25.75”, W/o Suppressor, Stock deployed – 32.625”, W/o Suppressor, Stock extended – 35.5”
Variations: Barrel lengths and calibers, Weapon color schemes, Stock options of polymer and metal, Lower receiver option of polymer or metal
Accessories: Hard case, Deployment kit